Happy Quizzing - Entertainment for Children
Hai. We have listed few books on quizzes. Quiz/ puzzles/ tongue twisters are all played from our ancient times. When written language was not formed/ developed, these types of games would have definitely played as an entertainment. This plays an important in testing the knowledge, recall efficiency, overall knowledge on any topic helps in developing the brain activity and stimulates the nerve cells. ) Book # : QUIZ BOOK FOR CLEVER KIDS - OVER 600 QUESTIONS ₹ 179 ₹ 199 (10% Off) ISBN No. : 9781780553146 Author Name : Gareth Moore & Chris Dickason QUIZ BOOK FOR CLEVER KIDS More than 600 questions collected in this quiz book , ranging from science and nature to history and geography , will keep even the cleverest kids entertained. There are more than 10 different kinds of quizzes, such as True or False or multiple choice , making it impossible to get bored of these brainbusters . Three difficulty levels allow children to ...